ComputerGraphik TU WIEN
CAssimpLoader | The class which is responsible for loading all the details to build up a scene |
CBubbleCursor | This class is rendering multiple circles (called bubbles in the paper) that are randomly placed on the screen space, the radius of the circle is as big as the distance to the nearest tank |
CCamera | Implements the camera movement with user input |
▼CCubeMapObject | |
CEffectObject | |
CDebug | The switches to experiment OpenGL performance and quality are implemented here |
▼CGameLogic | Implements the game logic of SteelWorms |
CBullet | Implements the bullet movement on CPU |
CTerrain | Implements terrain height query |
CGlyph | Glyph is used by Legend and contains positional information about characters |
CLegend | Displays a Legend that contains text |
CLegendBackground | Renders a transparent image that can be used as background containing text |
CLight | Used for further implementations of light in the scene (Sun is a direct derivation) |
▼CLightCamera | |
CEffectObjectLightCamShadow | |
CModel | Encapsulates a graphical object model in the GPU |
CMouseSemantics | The class which handles the drawing of the cursor as well as the semantic scaling function that translates the movement from motor space to visual space |
▼CParticleSystemCPU | Implementation of CPU particle system |
CParticleCPU | |
CParticleGPU | |
▼CParticleSystemGPU | Implementation of GPU particle system |
CNewParticle | Helper class to upload new particles |
CScene | Encapsulates the Rendering Engine, holds a complete scene and it's assets |
CSceneObject | The base class of the objects which are rendered |
CSelector | TODO |
▼CSelectorBase | Base class for selectors |
CEffectObject | |
CSelectorGPU | Implements the GPU based object selection |
▼CSelectorQuadTree | Implements the QuadTree based object selection |
CNode | |
CSelectorSimple | Implements a simple object selection |
▼CShader | Encapsulates a shader program |
CShaderObj | Helper class to manage one Shader object file in RAII style |
▼CShadowMap | Implementation of the shadow map effect |
CEffectObject | |
▼CSun | |
CEffectObjectAmbientPass | |
CEffectObjectCube | |
CEffectObjectCubeInstanced | |
CEffectObjectSVPass | |
▼CSunVolumetric | |
CEffectObjectVolumetric | |
CEffectObjectVolumetricPost | |
▼CTank | Implements the tank functionalities |
CGun | |
CTurret | |
CTessellation | Implementation of tessellation, abstract class |
CTexture | Encapsulates a texture in the GPU |