Point Cloud Viewer
A Viewer to display point clouds with phong shading by converting them to splats.
▼CEntity | An element with a location in 3-dimensional space |
CCamera | This class provides camera functionality |
▼CEntityMoveable | Complements the Entity with a possibility to define and edit a local coordinate system |
CEntityCloud | Represents a cloud model |
CLight | Stores information about a light |
CSplat | Stores information about a single splat |
CEntityOctree | An octree storing entities |
CEntityOctreeContainer | Stores an entity octree |
CFileLoader | Provides a static method for loading a point cloud file into an octree |
CGlobals | A place to store global variables. Nothing OOP to see here |
CEntityOctree::Iterator | An iterator to iterate over an octree |
CPointCloudPreprocessing | Provides a static method for converting a point cloud to a splat cloud |
CProgramLogic | Provides access to all functionality of the program |
▼CQMainWindow | |
CPointCloudViewer | PointCloudViewer This class is the main window of the Application |
▼CQOpenGLWidget | |
CPCVGLWidget | The PCVGLWidget class This class is the opengl window where everything is drawn |
▼CRenderPass | An abstract class for Render Passes |
CAttributePass | A Render Pass that stores attributes for later deferred shading |
CLightPass | A Render Pass that displays yellow squares at the passed locations |
CShadingPass | A Render Pass that performs deferred shading |
CVisibilityPass | A Render Pass that just fills a depth buffer |
CRenderPass::TextureChannel | This channel is used to link textures or data maps |
CRenderPass::VaoChannel::vao | |
CRenderPass::VaoChannel | This channel is used to link geometry |