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DebugFunctions Class Reference

This class provides callback functions for OpenGL errors. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void APIENTRY DebugCallback (GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, GLvoid *userParam)
 The callback definition function. More...
static std::string FormatDebugOutput (GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, const char *msg)
 This function formats the error for output as a string. More...
static void registerCallBackFunction ()
 Function for registering for synchronous callback. More...

Detailed Description

This class provides callback functions for OpenGL errors.

This class is used during development for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 13 of file DebugFunctions.h.

Member Function Documentation

void APIENTRY DebugFunctions::DebugCallback ( GLenum  source,
GLenum  type,
GLuint  id,
GLenum  severity,
GLsizei  length,
const GLchar *  message,
GLvoid *  userParam 

The callback definition function.

[in]sourceis the component where the error occured,
[in]typeis the type of behavious that caused the error,
[in]idis the unique nummber associated with this error,
[in]severitycan be HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW,
[in]lenghtis the length of the error description,
[in]messageis the specific error message,
[in]userParamis a function pointer.

Definition at line 4 of file DebugFunctions.cpp.

std::string DebugFunctions::FormatDebugOutput ( GLenum  source,
GLenum  type,
GLuint  id,
GLenum  severity,
const char *  msg 

This function formats the error for output as a string.

[in]sourceis the component where the error occured,
[in]typeis the type of behavious that caused the error,
[in]idis the unique nummber associated with this error,
[in]severitycan be HIGH, MEDIUM, or LOW,
[in]messageis the specific error message.

Definition at line 32 of file DebugFunctions.cpp.

void DebugFunctions::registerCallBackFunction ( )

Function for registering for synchronous callback.

Definition at line 134 of file DebugFunctions.cpp.

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