Depth-of-field volume rendering
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCCubeDescribes a equilateral cube, centered on the origin
oCExternalArrayIndexSort< T >A comparator for std::sort that uses an external array for lookup and operates on its indices
oCMainWindowPrivatePrivate data for MainWindow
|\CMainWindowThe main window of the application
|oCVolumeLoaderClass for loading volume meta data (VolumeMetaData) as well as the raw volume data itself
|\CVolumeRendererA state-based OpenGL renderer for simple volume rendering
|\CGLWindowA QWindow derivative capable of OpenGL drawing
| \CVolumeRenderWindowA GLWindow that uses the VolumeRenderer for drawing, and provides some interaction with it
|\CVolumeRendererA state-based OpenGL renderer for simple volume rendering
|\CGLWindowA QWindow derivative capable of OpenGL drawing
oCVolumeMetaDataThis class contains metadata for volumes, like dimensions and the file where the data can be found
\CVolumeRendererPrivateContains private data of the volume renderer