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Camera Class Reference

camera parameters and MVP matrices are calculated More...

#include <Camera.h>

Public Member Functions

 Camera (const glm::vec3 &cameraPosition, int width, int height)
void updateCameraPosition (const glm::vec3 &cameraPosition)
 Moves the camera matrix matrix.
void initMouse (int x, int y)
 Initializes the mouse coordinates.
void updateMouse (int x, int y, float dt)
 Updates the camera based on the mouse movement.
std::vector< glm::vec4 > getPlanes () const
void bindMatrices (Program &shaderProgram)
 Binds the matrices to the given shader program.
glm::vec3 getCameraDirection () const
 Returns the direction of the camera.
glm::vec3 getNormalizedXZPlaneDirection () const
 Returns the normalized direction of the camera in the XZ plane.
glm::mat4 getViewMatrix () const
 Returns the view Matrix.
glm::mat4 getInverseViewMatrix () const
 Returns the inverse view matrix.
glm::mat4 getProjectionMatrix () const
 Returns the projection matrix.
glm::vec3 getCameraLocation () const
 Returns the camera location.
void setViewMatrix (const glm::mat4 &viewMat)
 Sets the view matrix.
void setProjectionMatrix (const glm::mat4 &projMat)
 Sets the projection matrix.
void recalculateClippingPlanes ()
 Recalculates the clipping planes.
bool canClipPoint (const glm::vec4 &point, float threshold=0.0f) const
 Returns true if the given point can be clipped.
bool canClipBox (const glm::vec3 &mi, const glm::vec3 &ma) const
 Returns true if the given box can be clipped.
void setCulling (bool c)
bool isShadow () const
void setShadow (bool f)
glm::quat getRotation () const

Detailed Description

camera parameters and MVP matrices are calculated

This class handles all the calculations for the camera. When the user moves around with the keys or the mouse the camera parameters are recalculated. The model-, view- and projection-matrices are also calculated in this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Camera::Camera ( const glm::vec3 &  cameraPosition,
int  width,
int  height 

Initializes the camera

cameraPositionis the position of the camera in world coordinates
widthis the width of the window
heightis the height of the window

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