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Camera Class Reference

#include <Camera.h>

Public Member Functions

 Camera (const glm::vec3 &position, const glm::vec3 &target, const glm::vec3 &up, int width, int height, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float fov)
void setPerspective (int width, int height, float nearPlane, float farPlane, float fov)
void setDistance (float nearPlane, float farPlane)
void setWindowSize (int width, int height)
void setPosition (const glm::vec3 &position)
void setTarget (const glm::vec3 &target)
void setUp (const glm::vec3 &up)
void setView (const glm::vec3 &position, const glm::vec3 &target, const glm::vec3 &up)
const glm::vec3 & getPosition () const
const glm::vec3 & getTarget () const
const glm::vec3 & getUp () const
const glm::mat4 & getView () const
const glm::mat4 & getInverseView () const
const glm::mat4 & getPerspective () const
const glm::mat4 & getVP () const
float getRatio () const
float getNearPlane () const
float getFarPlane () const
float getFieldOfView () const
int getWidth () const
int getHeight () const
void getMouseRay (float mouseX, float mouseY, glm::vec3 &rayOrigin, glm::vec3 &rayDirection)
void updateTransform ()

Detailed Description

Perspective projection camera. Encapsulates a position, direction, view frustum and screen size. Provides corresponding view and perspective matrices. The matrices are not automatically updated after a new value has been set. updateTransform() will update them.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Camera::Camera ( const glm::vec3 &  position,
const glm::vec3 &  target,
const glm::vec3 &  up,
int  width,
int  height,
float  nearPlane,
float  farPlane,
float  fov 

Initializes position, direction, view frustum and screen size.

fovopening angle of the camera in the vertical direction

Member Function Documentation

float Camera::getFieldOfView ( ) const

Returns the opening angle of the camera in the vertical direction

opening angle of the camera in the vertical direction
void Camera::getMouseRay ( float  mouseX,
float  mouseY,
glm::vec3 &  rayOrigin,
glm::vec3 &  rayDirection 

Returns the origin and direction of a ray shot from the camera position to the unprojection of the mouse position. The mouse coordinate system is thought to have (0,0) at the top-left corner of the frustum and (width,height) at the bottom-right corner.

[in]mouseXx-coordinate of mouse position
[in]mouseYy-coordinate of mouse position
[out]rayOriginorigin of the mouse ray
[out]rayDirectiondirection of the mouse ray
float Camera::getRatio ( ) const

Returns the screen's image ratio

getWidth() / getHeight()
const glm::mat4 & Camera::getVP ( ) const

Returns the view projection matrix

the view projection matrix
void Camera::setDistance ( float  nearPlane,
float  farPlane 

sets near and far plane

void Camera::setPerspective ( int  width,
int  height,
float  nearPlane,
float  farPlane,
float  fov 
fovopening angle of the camera in the vertical direction
void Camera::updateTransform ( )

Recalculates the view matrix, perspective matrix and their inverses if any changes have been made to their parameters.

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