- Visualization of protein complexes: from protein interactions to cellular processes (Guest Talk) (Guest Talk)Jan Paleček (Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)
- Marko Mlinaric (ICGA)
- Daniel Gehrer (ICGA)
- Vis Report (Conference Report)Ivan Viola, Johannes Sorger (ICGA)
- Introductory Talk (Introductory Talk)Johannes Sorger (ICGA)
- CV-HAZOP: Introducing Test Data Validation for Computer Vision (ICCV 2015 Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Oliver Zendel (AIT)
- Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis in Stroke Patients (EPILOG Test Talk) (Other Test Talk)Haichao Miao (ICGA)
- Get-Together E186 (Internal)All (ICGA)
- Oana Moraru (ICGA)
- Adam Celarek (ICGA)
- Christian Hafner (ICGA)
- Simon Brenner (ICGA)
- Simon Wallner (ICGA)
- LiteVis: Integrated Visualization for Simulation-Based Decision Support in Lighting Design (Vis Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Johannes Sorger (ICGA)
- The Spinel Explorer - Interactive Visual Analysis of Spinel Group Minerals (Introductory Talk) (Introductory Talk)María Luján Ganuza (Visualization and Computer Graphics (VyGLab))
- Hanna Huber (PRIP), Sebastian Kirchner (PRIP)
- Hanna Huber (PRIP), Sebastian Kirchner (PRIP)
- Introductory Talk (Introductory Talk)Ivana Ilčíková (Comenius University, Bratislava)
- Introductory Talk (Introductory Talk)Haichao Miao (ICGA)
- A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure (IEEE Vis Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Matthias Labschütz (ICGA)
- A Framework for GPU-Assisted Generation and Composition of Inductive Rotation Patterns (DAEV) (DAEV)Sebastian Sippl (ICGA)
- Computer-Aided Art with Relation to Human-Computer Interaction and 3D Print (Introductory Talk) (Introductory Talk)Jiri Chmelik (Masaryk University)
- CoWRadar: Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis in Stroke Patients (VCBM Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Haichao Miao (ICGA)
- Alexandra Diehl (University of Buenos Aires)
- Human Visual Perception of 3D Surfaces (Bachelor Thesis Test Talk) (Conference Test Talk)Pascal Plank (ICGA)