Molecular Vis
Improving perception of molecular visualization
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAtomStruct for atom data
 CCameraA class for an arc-ball camera
 CFBOClass for handling render to texture using framebuffer objects
 CFrustumCullClass for frustum-culling
 CFrustumPlaneClass for Frustum plane
 CGeometryBase class for Geometry classes
 CMoleculeModelClass representing the molecule as geometric model
 CProceduralGeometryClass for procedurally genereted geometries, like spheres and cubes
 CGeometryDataStuct holding the vertices and indeces of the Geometry
 CGridCellStruct for the cells of the grid where the atoms are stored in. This grid is used for faster neighbor lookups
 CLightBase class for lights
 CDirectionalLightClass defining directional lights
 CPointLightClass for point-lights
 CSpotLightClass for spot-lights
 CLightManagerManages the collection of lights
 CMaterialBase class for materials
 CLambertMaterialClass for a material with lambert brdf
 CPBRMaterialClass for a physically based brdf. Inspired by Disney's BRDF
 CMoleculeStruct for molecule data
 CPDBLoaderWrapper to simplify pdbx/mmcif format import
 CSESSurfaceClass for the surface representation of a Molecule
 CShaderClass handling shader construction and managment
 CSSBO< T >Wrapper for SSBO buffer (shader storage buffer object) T is the type of the data (struct and has to satisfy allignment conditions, see ssbo doc.)
 CSSBO< Atom >
 CSSBO< GridCell >
 CTextureAbstract base class for textures
 CVolumetricTextureWrapper class for GL_TEXTURE_3D
 CVertexStruct for Vertex Data