Molecular Vis
Improving perception of molecular visualization
Geometry Class Referenceabstract

Base class for Geometry classes. More...

#include <Geometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for Geometry:
MoleculeModel ProceduralGeometry

Public Member Functions

virtual void draw (glm::mat4 matrix=glm::mat4(1.0f))=0

Protected Attributes

glm::mat4 modelMatrix

Detailed Description

Base class for Geometry classes.

Member Function Documentation

◆ draw()

virtual void Geometry::draw ( glm::mat4  matrix = glm::mat4(1.0f))
pure virtual

Abstract function defining how to draw

matrixDefines a transformation from word space to word space. Gets left-multiplied with the model matrix.

Implemented in ProceduralGeometry, and MoleculeModel.

Member Data Documentation

◆ modelMatrix

glm::mat4 Geometry::modelMatrix

contains model matrix. Transforms geometry from object to world space.

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