Molecular Vis
Improving perception of molecular visualization
CAtom | Struct for atom data |
CCamera | A class for an arc-ball camera |
CDirectionalLight | Class defining directional lights |
CFBO | Class for handling render to texture using framebuffer objects |
CFrustumCull | Class for frustum-culling |
CFrustumPlane | Class for Frustum plane |
CGeometry | Base class for Geometry classes |
CGeometryData | Stuct holding the vertices and indeces of the Geometry |
CGridCell | Struct for the cells of the grid where the atoms are stored in. This grid is used for faster neighbor lookups |
CLambertMaterial | Class for a material with lambert brdf |
CLight | Base class for lights |
CLightManager | Manages the collection of lights |
CMaterial | Base class for materials |
CMolecule | Struct for molecule data |
CMoleculeModel | Class representing the molecule as geometric model |
CPBRMaterial | Class for a physically based brdf. Inspired by Disney's BRDF |
CPDBLoader | Wrapper to simplify pdbx/mmcif format import |
CPointLight | Class for point-lights |
CProceduralGeometry | Class for procedurally genereted geometries, like spheres and cubes |
CSESSurface | Class for the surface representation of a Molecule |
CShader | Class handling shader construction and managment |
CSpotLight | Class for spot-lights |
CSSBO | Wrapper for SSBO buffer (shader storage buffer object) T is the type of the data (struct and has to satisfy allignment conditions, see ssbo doc.) |
CTexture | Abstract base class for textures |
CVertex | Struct for Vertex Data |
CVolumetricTexture | Wrapper class for GL_TEXTURE_3D |