Visualisierung 2 CNN
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAllFeatureMapsDisplayClass for handling the display of the full number of feature maps as squares above its convolutional layer.
 CConvLayerRepresents a Convolutional Layer of a CNN.
 CFCLayerRepresents a Fully Connected Layer of a CNN.
 CGlobalManagerSingleton for handling global behaviour.
 CGuiManagerActs as an interface between the GUI and other classes.
 CLayerBase class for the layer component
 Cmaya_cloneClass for enabling maya-style camera control in the viewport.
 CShapeBase class for various Shape Subclasses that are used for calculating vertex positions based on a center position and size.
 CTFLoaderClass for handling the loading of TensFlow ckpt data from a converted Json file.