WikiVis Web Application
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WikiVis Web Application Documentation

System requirements

The following components and software are required to run or build the application.




The Web application is designed as a typical java servlet application which should run on any web server that is capable of running java servlets, by publishing the war file. It is recommended to give the web server at least 2GB of memory, otherwise there may be not enough memory to compute the positions of the nodes in the network (A eigenvalue/vector calculation is needed for an nxn adjacency matrix, where n is the number of nodes).

Building the source code

If a .war file has been provided and you just want to run the application you can skip this section and go on reading the next section. Otherwise a short overview of the project is given here.

The project is build up as an eclipse project and we highly recommend using the "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" to build and export the war file. Other may exist to build the project, but we only discuss the eclipse in this explanation.

Install eclipse if necessary and import the project via "File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace". All referenced libraries should be available with your eclipse installation is correctly configured. If eclipse complains about unknown references to several servlet classes it can be ignored. Building and exporting the war file is done via right click on the project and selecting "Export->Web->War file". Choose an output directory and leave the other preferences as the default values and export. The .war file should be in the specified output directory.

If the export fails due to missing libraries, you may have to check your server configuration as eclipse needs some libraries from a installed web server.

Deploying and running the war archive

Deploy the war archive to your favorite java web server and depending on your configuration the web application should be available.

As the war archive should run on any java web server, but the correct configuration of such a server is sometimes complex, we recommend for simple execution the usage of jetty-runner ( The command to start jetty runner is the following:

java -Xmx2048m -jar jetty-runner.jar warfile.war

No additional configuration is required and the application should be available via your browser at http://localhost:8080/.


This is the code documentation page for the whole WikiVisWeb application - so it lists all classes and methods of the web application and the embedded processing application. To distinguish between them every processing class has been marked as processing class in the description. Alternatively check if the documentation data has been created from an .pde or .java file.