Molecule Viewer
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
oCAppMainThe main class of Molecule Viewer Renderer
oCAtomClass representing a single Atom of a Molecule (an Atom is drawn as a colored sphere)
oCDirectionsThis class maintains the directions used for the ambient occlusion computation
oCLoaderClass responsible for loading a molecule
|\CWidgetQT OpenGL Widget where the molecule is rendered inside
|\CMainWindowThe main window of the QT Viewer
oCSceneObjectScene Object is the base class for all objects in the scene (Camera, Light and Molecule)
|oCCameraClass representing the camera in the scene, a perspective projection is used
|\CLightClass representing the main light in the scene, which is a point light source!
oCShaderRepresents a shader program