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CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER > Class Template Reference

Just for saving the configurations (external) More...

#include <SimpleIni.h>

List of all members.


class  Converter
struct  Entry
class  FileWriter
class  OutputWriter
class  StringWriter

Public Types

typedef std::multimap< Entry,
const SI_CHAR *, typename
Entry::KeyOrder > 
typedef std::map< Entry,
TKeyVal, typename
Entry::KeyOrder > 
typedef std::list< Entry > TNamesDepend

Public Member Functions

 CSimpleIniTempl (bool a_bIsUtf8=false, bool a_bMultiKey=false, bool a_bMultiLine=false)
 ~CSimpleIniTempl ()
void Reset ()
bool IsEmpty () const
SI_Error LoadFile (const char *a_pszFile)
SI_Error LoadFile (FILE *a_fpFile)
SI_Error LoadData (const std::string &a_strData)
SI_Error LoadData (const char *a_pData, size_t a_uDataLen)
SI_Error SaveFile (const char *a_pszFile, bool a_bAddSignature=true) const
SI_Error SaveFile (FILE *a_pFile, bool a_bAddSignature=false) const
SI_Error Save (OutputWriter &a_oOutput, bool a_bAddSignature=false) const
SI_Error Save (std::string &a_sBuffer, bool a_bAddSignature=false) const
void GetAllSections (TNamesDepend &a_names) const
bool GetAllKeys (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, TNamesDepend &a_names) const
bool GetAllValues (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, TNamesDepend &a_values) const
int GetSectionSize (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection) const
const TKeyValGetSection (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection) const
const SI_CHAR * GetValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, const SI_CHAR *a_pDefault=NULL, bool *a_pHasMultiple=NULL) const
long GetLongValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, long a_nDefault=0, bool *a_pHasMultiple=NULL) const
double GetDoubleValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, double a_nDefault=0, bool *a_pHasMultiple=NULL) const
bool GetBoolValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, bool a_bDefault=false, bool *a_pHasMultiple=NULL) const
SI_Error SetValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, const SI_CHAR *a_pValue, const SI_CHAR *a_pComment=NULL, bool a_bForceReplace=false)
SI_Error SetLongValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, long a_nValue, const SI_CHAR *a_pComment=NULL, bool a_bUseHex=false, bool a_bForceReplace=false)
SI_Error SetDoubleValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, double a_nValue, const SI_CHAR *a_pComment=NULL, bool a_bForceReplace=false)
SI_Error SetBoolValue (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, bool a_bValue, const SI_CHAR *a_pComment=NULL, bool a_bForceReplace=false)
bool Delete (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, bool a_bRemoveEmpty=false)
Converter GetConverter () const
void SetUnicode (bool a_bIsUtf8=true)
bool IsUnicode () const
void SetMultiKey (bool a_bAllowMultiKey=true)
bool IsMultiKey () const
void SetMultiLine (bool a_bAllowMultiLine=true)
bool IsMultiLine () const
void SetSpaces (bool a_bSpaces=true)
bool UsingSpaces () const

Private Member Functions

 CSimpleIniTempl (const CSimpleIniTempl &)
CSimpleIniTemploperator= (const CSimpleIniTempl &)
SI_Error FindFileComment (SI_CHAR *&a_pData, bool a_bCopyStrings)
bool FindEntry (SI_CHAR *&a_pData, const SI_CHAR *&a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *&a_pKey, const SI_CHAR *&a_pVal, const SI_CHAR *&a_pComment) const
SI_Error AddEntry (const SI_CHAR *a_pSection, const SI_CHAR *a_pKey, const SI_CHAR *a_pValue, const SI_CHAR *a_pComment, bool a_bForceReplace, bool a_bCopyStrings)
bool IsSpace (SI_CHAR ch) const
bool IsComment (SI_CHAR ch) const
void SkipNewLine (SI_CHAR *&a_pData) const
SI_Error CopyString (const SI_CHAR *&a_pString)
void DeleteString (const SI_CHAR *a_pString)
bool IsLess (const SI_CHAR *a_pLeft, const SI_CHAR *a_pRight) const
bool IsMultiLineTag (const SI_CHAR *a_pData) const
bool IsMultiLineData (const SI_CHAR *a_pData) const
bool LoadMultiLineText (SI_CHAR *&a_pData, const SI_CHAR *&a_pVal, const SI_CHAR *a_pTagName, bool a_bAllowBlankLinesInComment=false) const
bool IsNewLineChar (SI_CHAR a_c) const
bool OutputMultiLineText (OutputWriter &a_oOutput, Converter &a_oConverter, const SI_CHAR *a_pText) const

Private Attributes

SI_CHAR * m_pData
size_t m_uDataLen
const SI_CHAR * m_pFileComment
TSection m_data
TNamesDepend m_strings
bool m_bStoreIsUtf8
bool m_bAllowMultiKey
bool m_bAllowMultiLine
bool m_bSpaces
int m_nOrder

Detailed Description

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>

Just for saving the configurations (external)

Simple INI file reader.

This can be instantiated with the choice of unicode or native characterset, and case sensitive or insensitive comparisons of section and key names. The supported combinations are pre-defined with the following typedefs:

Interface Case-sensitive Typedef
char No CSimpleIniA
char Yes CSimpleIniCaseA
wchar_t No CSimpleIniW
wchar_t Yes CSimpleIniCaseW

Note that using other types for the SI_CHAR is supported. For instance, unsigned char, unsigned short, etc. Note that where the alternative type is a different size to char/wchar_t you may need to supply new helper classes for SI_STRLESS and SI_CONVERTER.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
typedef std::multimap<Entry,const SI_CHAR *,typename Entry::KeyOrder> CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::TKeyVal

map keys to values

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
typedef std::list<Entry> CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::TNamesDepend

set of dependent string pointers. Note that these pointers are dependent on memory owned by CSimpleIni.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
typedef std::map<Entry,TKeyVal,typename Entry::KeyOrder> CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::TSection

map sections to key/value map

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::CSimpleIniTempl ( bool  a_bIsUtf8 = false,
bool  a_bMultiKey = false,
bool  a_bMultiLine = false 

Default constructor.

   @param a_bIsUtf8     See the method SetUnicode() for details.
   @param a_bMultiKey   See the method SetMultiKey() for details.
   @param a_bMultiLine  See the method SetMultiLine() for details.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::~CSimpleIniTempl ( )


template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::CSimpleIniTempl ( const CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER > &  )

Member Function Documentation

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::AddEntry ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pValue,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pComment,
bool  a_bForceReplace,
bool  a_bCopyStrings 

Add the section/key/value to our data.

   @param a_pSection   Section name. Sections will be created if they
                       don't already exist.
   @param a_pKey       Key name. May be NULL to create an empty section.
                       Existing entries will be updated. New entries will
                       be created.
   @param a_pValue     Value for the key.
   @param a_pComment   Comment to be associated with the section or the
                       key. If a_pKey is NULL then it will be associated
                       with the section, otherwise the key. This must be
                       a string in full comment form already (have a
                       comment character starting every line).
   @param a_bForceReplace  Should all existing values in a multi-key INI
                       file be replaced with this entry. This option has
                       no effect if not using multi-key files. The 
                       difference between Delete/AddEntry and AddEntry
                       with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load 
                       order and comment will be preserved this way.
   @param a_bCopyStrings   Should copies of the strings be made or not.
                       If false then the pointers will be used as is.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::CopyString ( const SI_CHAR *&  a_pString)

Make a copy of the supplied string, replacing the original pointer

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Delete ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
bool  a_bRemoveEmpty = false 

Delete an entire section, or a key from a section. Note that the data returned by GetSection is invalid and must not be used after anything has been deleted from that section using this method. Note when multiple keys is enabled, this will delete all keys with that name; there is no way to selectively delete individual key/values in this situation.

a_pSectionSection to delete key from, or if a_pKey is NULL, the section to remove.
a_pKeyKey to remove from the section. Set to NULL to remove the entire section.
a_bRemoveEmptyIf the section is empty after this key has been deleted, should the empty section be removed?
true Key or section was deleted.
false Key or section was not found.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::DeleteString ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pString)

Delete a string from the copied strings buffer if necessary

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::FindEntry ( SI_CHAR *&  a_pData,
const SI_CHAR *&  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *&  a_pKey,
const SI_CHAR *&  a_pVal,
const SI_CHAR *&  a_pComment 
) const

Parse the data looking for the next valid entry. The memory pointed to by a_pData is modified by inserting NULL characters. The pointer is updated to the current location in the block of text.

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::FindFileComment ( SI_CHAR *&  a_pData,
bool  a_bCopyStrings 

Parse the data looking for a file comment and store it if found.

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetAllKeys ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
TNamesDepend a_names 
) const

Retrieve all unique key names in a section. The sort order of the returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort the names into the load order if desired. Search this file for ".sort" for an example. Only unique key names are returned.

NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these strings are in use!

a_pSectionSection to request data for
a_namesList that will receive all of the key names. See note above!
true Section was found.
false Matching section was not found.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetAllSections ( TNamesDepend a_names) const

Retrieve all section names. The list is returned as an STL vector of names and can be iterated or searched as necessary. Note that the sort order of the returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort the names into the load order if desired. Search this file for ".sort" for an example.

NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these pointers are in use!

a_namesVector that will receive all of the section names. See note above!
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetAllValues ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
TNamesDepend a_values 
) const

Retrieve all values for a specific key. This method can be used when multiple keys are both enabled and disabled. Note that the sort order of the returned strings is NOT DEFINED. You can sort the names into the load order if desired. Search this file for ".sort" for an example.

NOTE! The returned values are pointers to string data stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset while you are using this pointer!

a_pSectionSection to search
a_pKeyKey to search for
a_valuesList to return if the key is not found
true Key was found.
false Matching section/key was not found.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetBoolValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
bool  a_bDefault = false,
bool *  a_pHasMultiple = NULL 
) const

Retrieve a boolean value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.

Strings starting with "t", "y", "on" or "1" are returned as logically true. Strings starting with "f", "n", "of" or "0" are returned as logically false. For all other values the default is returned. Character comparisons are case-insensitive.

a_pSectionSection to search
a_pKeyKey to search for
a_bDefaultValue to return if the key is not found
a_pHasMultipleOptionally receive notification of if there are multiple entries for this key.
a_nDefault Key was not found in the section
other Value of the key
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
Converter CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetConverter ( ) const

Return a conversion object to convert text to the same encoding as is used by the Save(), SaveFile() and SaveString() functions. Use this to prepare the strings that you wish to append or prepend to the output INI data.

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
double CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetDoubleValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
double  a_nDefault = 0,
bool *  a_pHasMultiple = NULL 
) const

Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.

a_pSectionSection to search
a_pKeyKey to search for
a_nDefaultValue to return if the key is not found
a_pHasMultipleOptionally receive notification of if there are multiple entries for this key.
a_nDefault Key was not found in the section
other Value of the key
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
long CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetLongValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
long  a_nDefault = 0,
bool *  a_pHasMultiple = NULL 
) const

Retrieve a numeric value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.

a_pSectionSection to search
a_pKeyKey to search for
a_nDefaultValue to return if the key is not found
a_pHasMultipleOptionally receive notification of if there are multiple entries for this key.
a_nDefault Key was not found in the section
other Value of the key
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
const CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::TKeyVal * CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetSection ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection) const

Retrieve all key and value pairs for a section. The data is returned as a pointer to an STL map and can be iterated or searched as desired. Note that multiple entries for the same key may exist when multiple keys have been enabled.

NOTE! This structure contains only pointers to strings. The actual string data is stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset() while these strings are in use!

a_pSectionName of the section to return
boolean Was a section matching the supplied name found.
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
int CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetSectionSize ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection) const

Query the number of keys in a specific section. Note that if multiple keys are enabled, then this value may be different to the number of keys returned by GetAllKeys.

a_pSectionSection to request data for
-1 Section does not exist in the file
>=0 Number of keys in the section
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
const SI_CHAR * CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::GetValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pDefault = NULL,
bool *  a_pHasMultiple = NULL 
) const

Retrieve the value for a specific key. If multiple keys are enabled (see SetMultiKey) then only the first value associated with that key will be returned, see GetAllValues for getting all values with multikey.

NOTE! The returned value is a pointer to string data stored in memory owned by CSimpleIni. Ensure that the CSimpleIni object is not destroyed or Reset while you are using this pointer!

a_pSectionSection to search
a_pKeyKey to search for
a_pDefaultValue to return if the key is not found
a_pHasMultipleOptionally receive notification of if there are multiple entries for this key.
a_pDefault Key was not found in the section
other Value of the key
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsComment ( SI_CHAR  ch) const

Does the supplied character start a comment line?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsEmpty ( ) const

Has any data been loaded

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsLess ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pLeft,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pRight 
) const

Internal use of our string comparison function

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsMultiKey ( ) const

Get the storage format of the INI data.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsMultiLine ( ) const

Query the status of multi-line data

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsMultiLineData ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pData) const
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsMultiLineTag ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pData) const
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsNewLineChar ( SI_CHAR  a_c) const
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsSpace ( SI_CHAR  ch) const

Is the supplied character a whitespace character?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::IsUnicode ( ) const

Get the storage format of the INI data.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::LoadData ( const std::string &  a_strData)

Load INI file data direct from a std::string

   @param a_strData    Data to be loaded

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::LoadData ( const char *  a_pData,
size_t  a_uDataLen 

Load INI file data direct from memory

   @param a_pData      Data to be loaded
   @param a_uDataLen   Length of the data in bytes

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::LoadFile ( const char *  a_pszFile)

Load an INI file from disk into memory

   @param a_pszFile    Path of the file to be loaded. This will be passed
                       to fopen() and so must be a valid path for the
                       current platform.

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::LoadFile ( FILE *  a_fpFile)

Load the file from a file pointer.

   @param a_fpFile     Valid file pointer to read the file data from. The
                       file will be read until end of file.

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::LoadMultiLineText ( SI_CHAR *&  a_pData,
const SI_CHAR *&  a_pVal,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pTagName,
bool  a_bAllowBlankLinesInComment = false 
) const
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
CSimpleIniTempl& CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::operator= ( const CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER > &  )
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::OutputMultiLineText ( OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
Converter &  a_oConverter,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pText 
) const
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Reset ( )

Deallocate all memory stored by this object

template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Save ( OutputWriter &  a_oOutput,
bool  a_bAddSignature = false 
) const

Save the INI data. The data will be written to the output device in a format appropriate to the current data, selected by:

char same format as when loaded (MBCS or UTF-8)
wchar_t UTF-8
other UTF-8

Note that comments from the original data is preserved as per the documentation on comments. The order of the sections and values from the original file will be preserved.

Any data prepended or appended to the output device must use the the same format (MBCS or UTF-8). You may use the GetConverter() method to convert text to the correct format regardless of the output format being used by SimpleIni.

To add a BOM to UTF-8 data, write it out manually at the very beginning like is done in SaveFile when a_bUseBOM is true.

a_oOutputOutput writer to write the data to.
a_bAddSignaturePrepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has already been written to the OutputWriter.
SI_Error See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::Save ( std::string &  a_sBuffer,
bool  a_bAddSignature = false 
) const

Append the INI data to a string. See Save() for details.

   @param a_sBuffer    String to have the INI data appended to.

   @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                       UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                       ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                       already been written to the string.

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SaveFile ( const char *  a_pszFile,
bool  a_bAddSignature = true 
) const

Save an INI file from memory to disk

   @param a_pszFile    Path of the file to be saved. This will be passed
                       to fopen() and so must be a valid path for the
                       current platform.

   @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is
                       in UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then
                       this parameter is ignored.

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SaveFile ( FILE *  a_pFile,
bool  a_bAddSignature = false 
) const

Save the INI data to a file. See Save() for details.

   @param a_pFile      Handle to a file. File should be opened for
                       binary output.

   @param a_bAddSignature  Prepend the UTF-8 BOM if the output data is in
                       UTF-8 format. If it is not UTF-8 then this value is
                       ignored. Do not set this to true if anything has
                       already been written to the file.

   @return SI_Error    See error definitions
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetBoolValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
bool  a_bValue,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pComment = NULL,
bool  a_bForceReplace = false 

Add or update a boolean value. This will always insert when multiple keys are enabled.

a_pSectionSection to add or update
a_pKeyKey to add or update.
a_bValueValue to set.
a_pCommentComment to be associated with the key. See the notes on SetValue() for comments.
a_bForceReplaceShould all existing values in a multi-key INI file be replaced with this entry. This option has no effect if not using multi-key files. The difference between Delete/SetBoolValue and SetBoolValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load order and comment will be preserved this way.
SI_Error See error definitions
SI_UPDATED Value was updated
SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetDoubleValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
double  a_nValue,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pComment = NULL,
bool  a_bForceReplace = false 

Add or update a double value. This will always insert when multiple keys are enabled.

a_pSectionSection to add or update
a_pKeyKey to add or update.
a_nValueValue to set.
a_pCommentComment to be associated with the key. See the notes on SetValue() for comments.
a_bForceReplaceShould all existing values in a multi-key INI file be replaced with this entry. This option has no effect if not using multi-key files. The difference between Delete/SetDoubleValue and SetDoubleValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load order and comment will be preserved this way.
SI_Error See error definitions
SI_UPDATED Value was updated
SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
template<class SI_CHAR , class SI_STRLESS , class SI_CONVERTER >
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetLongValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
long  a_nValue,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pComment = NULL,
bool  a_bUseHex = false,
bool  a_bForceReplace = false 

Add or update a numeric value. This will always insert when multiple keys are enabled.

a_pSectionSection to add or update
a_pKeyKey to add or update.
a_nValueValue to set.
a_pCommentComment to be associated with the key. See the notes on SetValue() for comments.
a_bUseHexBy default the value will be written to the file in decimal format. Set this to true to write it as hexadecimal.
a_bForceReplaceShould all existing values in a multi-key INI file be replaced with this entry. This option has no effect if not using multi-key files. The difference between Delete/SetLongValue and SetLongValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load order and comment will be preserved this way.
SI_Error See error definitions
SI_UPDATED Value was updated
SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetMultiKey ( bool  a_bAllowMultiKey = true)

Should multiple identical keys be permitted in the file. If set to false then the last value encountered will be used as the value of the key. If set to true, then all values will be available to be queried. For example, with the following input:


Then with SetMultiKey(true), both of the values "value1" and "value2" will be returned for the key test. If SetMultiKey(false) is used, then the value for "test" will only be "value2". This value may be changed at any time.

a_bAllowMultiKeyAllow multi-keys in the source?
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetMultiLine ( bool  a_bAllowMultiLine = true)

Should data values be permitted to span multiple lines in the file. If set to false then the multi-line construct <<<TAG as a value will be returned as is instead of loading the data. This value may be changed at any time.

a_bAllowMultiLineAllow multi-line values in the source?
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetSpaces ( bool  a_bSpaces = true)

Should spaces be added around the equals sign when writing key/value pairs out. When true, the result will be "key = value". When false, the result will be "key=value". This value may be changed at any time.

a_bSpacesAdd spaces around the equals sign?
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetUnicode ( bool  a_bIsUtf8 = true)

Set the storage format of the INI data. This affects both the loading and saving of the INI data using all of the Load/Save API functions. This value cannot be changed after any INI data has been loaded.

If the file is not set to Unicode (UTF-8), then the data encoding is assumed to be the OS native encoding. This encoding is the system locale on Linux/Unix and the legacy MBCS encoding on Windows NT/2K/XP. If the storage format is set to Unicode then the file will be loaded as UTF-8 encoded data regardless of the native file encoding. If SI_CHAR == char then all of the char* parameters take and return UTF-8 encoded data regardless of the system locale.

a_bIsUtf8Assume UTF-8 encoding for the source?
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
SI_Error CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SetValue ( const SI_CHAR *  a_pSection,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pKey,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pValue,
const SI_CHAR *  a_pComment = NULL,
bool  a_bForceReplace = false 

Add or update a section or value. This will always insert when multiple keys are enabled.

a_pSectionSection to add or update
a_pKeyKey to add or update. Set to NULL to create an empty section.
a_pValueValue to set. Set to NULL to create an empty section.
a_pCommentComment to be associated with the section or the key. If a_pKey is NULL then it will be associated with the section, otherwise the key. Note that a comment may be set ONLY when the section or key is first created (i.e. when this function returns the value SI_INSERTED). If you wish to create a section with a comment then you need to create the section separately to the key. The comment string must be in full comment form already (have a comment character starting every line).
a_bForceReplaceShould all existing values in a multi-key INI file be replaced with this entry. This option has no effect if not using multi-key files. The difference between Delete/SetValue and SetValue with a_bForceReplace = true, is that the load order and comment will be preserved this way.
SI_Error See error definitions
SI_UPDATED Value was updated
SI_INSERTED Value was inserted
template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
void CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::SkipNewLine ( SI_CHAR *&  a_pData) const

Skip over a newline character (or characters) for either DOS or UNIX

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::UsingSpaces ( ) const

Query the status of spaces output

Member Data Documentation

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_bAllowMultiKey

Are multiple values permitted for the same key?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_bAllowMultiLine

Are data values permitted to span multiple lines?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_bSpaces

Should spaces be written out surrounding the equals sign?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
bool CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_bStoreIsUtf8

Is the format of our datafile UTF-8 or MBCS?

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
TSection CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_data

Parsed INI data. Section -> (Key -> Value).

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
int CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_nOrder

Next order value, used to ensure sections and keys are output in the same order that they are loaded/added.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>

Copy of the INI file data in our character format. This will be modified when parsed to have NULL characters added after all interesting string entries. All of the string pointers to sections, keys and values point into this block of memory.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
const SI_CHAR* CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_pFileComment

File comment for this data, if one exists.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
TNamesDepend CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_strings

This vector stores allocated memory for copies of strings that have been supplied after the file load. It will be empty unless SetValue() has been called.

template<class SI_CHAR, class SI_STRLESS, class SI_CONVERTER>
size_t CSimpleIniTempl< SI_CHAR, SI_STRLESS, SI_CONVERTER >::m_uDataLen

Length of the data that we have stored. Used when deleting strings to determine if the string is stored here or in the allocated string buffer.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: