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getBlack() - Method in class OurColormap
getChildren() - Method in class Element
returns all children of the element
getColor(double) - Method in class OurColormap
returns colorfor a score.
getColorbyIndex(int) - Method in class OurColormap
returns color using a given index
getDirectChildren() - Method in class Element
returns the direct left and right child of the element
getElementparts() - Method in class Element
getNodes() - Method in class Tree
returns all nodes
getParent() - Method in class Element
returns the parent element
getPositionX() - Method in class Element
returns the x coordinate of the element
getPositionY() - Method in class Element
returns the y coordinate of the element
getRoot() - Method in class Tree
returns the root of the tree
getSize() - Method in class Element
returns the number of leaf children that the element has, which is equal to the number of parts that the element content has
getTree(int, int, Canvas) - Method in class Histogramm
checks if there is a histogramm on the canvas at position (x, y) and returns the corresponding tree, if one is found
getWhite() - Method in class OurColormap