VisWpf.App | Interaction logic for App.xaml |
VisWpf.UI.CanvasObjectController | Controls user navigation on the canvas |
VisWpf.UI.Workers.ClusteringWorker | Clustering worker thread. Clusters an image set and creates signatures |
VisWpf.Configuration | Configuration Window |
VisWpf.Algorithm.EMDMatrixController | Controls the EMD-Matrix. Can execute query methods to return a reduced emd Matrix |
VisWpf.Algorithm.EMDQuery | An EMD Query |
VisWpf.MDS.EMDQueryResult | Represents the result of an EMD-Query. Contains the updated Image Positions and the updated EMD-Matrix |
VisWpf.FlickrSearch | Window for Flickr Search |
XamlGeneratedNamespace.GeneratedInternalTypeHelper | GeneratedInternalTypeHelper |
VisWpf.HelpWindow | Interaction logic for HelpWindow.xaml |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.ILabPoint | Represents an Inteface for a KD-Tree point |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.LabPoint | Represents a Point in L*a*b* space |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.StandardPoint | Represents a standard L*a*b* point that can be instanced |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointTypes.WeightedPoint | Represents a weighted point in L*a*b* space |
VisWpf.ImageCloud | ImageCloud. The main window of the Application |
VisWpf.ImageInfo.ImageInfoContainer | Represents information about a image |
VisWpf.UI.ImageLayouter | Responsible for relayouting images on the navigator canvas |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.ITreeNode | An Interface for the KD-Tree Nodes. Represents a Cell |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.TreeNode | Represents a standard Tree Node |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.PointNode | Represents a Cell that can hold Standard Points |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.Nodes.WeightedPointNode | Represents a node that has been created from a signature cluster centroid and a weight value |
VisWpf.Utils.ColorConversion.LabColorConverter | This class converts images from the srgb or xyz space into the L*a*b* space or back |
VisWpf.MainWindow | MainWindow |
VisWpf.MDS.MDSController | Contains a reference to a matlab algorithm that can compute Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) |
VisWpf.FlickrStuff.NamedBoundaryBox | Flickr class for a boundary Box, including the Geolocation name. For use within the Flickr UI |
VisWpf.UI.Workers.NavigatorWorker | Navigator worker. Responsible for computing the EMD Distances and the MDS Embedding for the Navigator tab |
VisWpf.UI.OffsetTimer | Controls, when the Canvas should reset its navigation arrows to the default color. Also contains the default time for the Positioning and offset animations |
VisWpf.Clustering.KdTree.PointComparer | Compares Points based on their splittingPlane Type. Sorts Ascending |
VisWpf.UI.QueryEventArgs | Event Arguments for starting a new EMDQuery |
VisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.Signature | Represents an image signature. Contains a List of signature Parts |
VisWpf.Clustering.SignatureExtractor | Extracts a L*a*b* signature from an image (given as a byte Array) |
VisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.SignaturePart | Represents a part of a Signature. Contains the Signature centroid and the weight of the Signature part |
VisWpf.Clustering.Signatures.SignaturePartComparer | Compares Signatures based on their weight, sorts descending |
VisWpf.MDS.Transportation.TransporationSolver | |
VisWpf.MDS.Transportation.RussellSolver | A Transportation solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Russells Algorithm |
VisWpf.MDS.Transportation.VogelSolver | A Transporation Solver that solves the Transportation Problem via Vogels Algorithm |
VisWpf.Utils.WebClientTimeout | Creates a web client that will timeout if the given timeout interval is exceeded |