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Class Kinetic.Polygon

Extends Kinetic.Shape.

Defined in: kinetic.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Polygon constructor.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
get points array
set points array
Methods borrowed from class Kinetic.Shape:
applyLineJoin, clearData, fillStroke, getCanvas, getContext, getFill, getLineJoin, getStroke, getStrokeWidth, intersects, saveData, setDrawFunc, setFill, setLineJoin, setStroke, setStrokeWidth, stroke
Methods borrowed from class Kinetic.Node:
draggable, getAbsoluteAlpha, getAbsolutePosition, getAbsoluteTransform, getAbsoluteZIndex, getAlpha, getAttrs, getCenterOffset, getDetectionType, getDragBounds, getDragConstraint, getLayer, getLevel, getName, getParent, getPosition, getRotation, getRotationDeg, getScale, getStage, getTransform, getX, getY, getZIndex, hide, isDragging, isVisible, listen, move, moveDown, moveTo, moveToBottom, moveToTop, moveUp, off, on, rotate, rotateDeg, setAbsolutePosition, setAlpha, setAttrs, setCenterOffset, setDefaultAttrs, setDetectionType, setDragBounds, setDragConstraint, setPosition, setRotation, setRotationDeg, setScale, setX, setY, setZIndex, show, transitionTo
Class Detail
Polygon constructor.  Polygons are defined by an array of points
{Object} config
Method Detail
get points array

set points array
{Array} points

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