Renders Video Frames via DVR


Public classBox
A 3D box.
Public classDVRRenderer
DVR renderer.
Public classGraphWindow
A graph window. Draws a graph for given values in half-float precision.
Public classGraphWindow..::..GraphEventArgs
EventArgs for SliceChanged Event
Public classHueBasedTransparencyWindow
Window for defining hue-based transfer function.
Public classHueBasedTransparencyWindow..::..SliderChangedEventArgs
EventArgs for SliderChanged event
Public classImageFolderSource
An image sequence, read from images in a particular folder.
Public classImageSequence
An enumerable image sequence, backed by an image sequence source. The client is responsible for disposing the images.
Public classMainWindow
The main window.
Public classSliceSelectionWindow
The Window for browsing through frames in a video. Can not be closed.
Public classSliceSelectionWindow..::..SliceSelectedEventArgs
EventArgs for SliceSelected event
Public classStatistics
Compute texture slice statistics. The resulting statistics (max. 3) are saved in a 2D RGB float texture of size z*1, where z is the number of texture slices (1 in case of a 2D texture).
Public classTransferFunctionWindow
A window to specify user-defined transfer functions.
Public classTransferFunctionWindow..::..TransferFunctionEventArgs
EventArgs for TransferFunctionChanged event.


Public interfaceIImageSequenceSource
A source of a sequence of images.


Public enumerationDVRRenderer..::..DifferenceMetric
Supported difference metrics.
Public enumerationDVRRenderer..::..Shaders
Color alpha shaders supported by this renderer.
Public enumerationDVRRenderer..::..ShaderUniform
Public shader uniforms.
Public enumerationHueBasedTransparencyWindow..::..SliderType
Types of sliders in window.