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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2021 |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Nicolas Grossmann, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Laura R. Luidolt , Peter Mindek, Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Manuela Waldner , Eduard Gröller
Visualization working group at TU Wien: Visibile Facimus Quod Ceteri Non Possunt
Visual Informatics, 5:76-84, March 2021. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Sarkis Halladjian, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Tobias Isenberg
Multiscale Unfolding: Illustratively Visualizing the Whole Genome at a Glance
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2020 |
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Yasaman Ahmadi, Armanda J Wilson, Morgan Beeby, Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
Adenita: interactive 3D modelling and visualization of DNA nanostructures
Nucleic Acids Research, July 2020. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Sarkis Halladjian, Haichao Miao, David Kouřil, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Tobias Isenberg
ScaleTrotter: Illustrative Visual Travels Across Negative Scales
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1), January 2020. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2019 |
Maximilian Sbardellati, Haichao Miao, Hsiang-Yun Wu , Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
Interactive Exploded Views for Molecular Structures
In Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 103-112. September 2019.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Haichao Miao
Geometric Abstraction for Effective Visualization and Modeling
Supervisor: Ivan Viola
PhD-Thesis |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
Interactive Visual Analysis for the Design of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at NANTECH 2019 – Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: From Algorithmic Design to Biochemical Applications – Espoo, Finland
(27. May 2019-29. May 2019)
Poster |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Haichao Miao, Ivan Viola
From Cells to Atoms - Biological Information Visualization (in Chinese)
TR-193-02-2019-1, March 2019 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Haichao Miao, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Peter Mindek, Karsten Schatz, Eduard Gröller , Barbora Kozlikova, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Journal of Molecular Biology, 6(31):1049-1070, January 2019. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2018 |
Haichao Miao
Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures,
18. September 2018, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Invited Talk |
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
A Preview to Adenita: Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at 3rd Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop
( 6. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
Poster |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
DimSUM: Dimension and Scale Unifying Maps for Visual Abstraction of DNA Origami Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3), June 2018. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Johannes Sorger, Yasaman Ahmadi, Tadija Kekic, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Visualization and Scale-adaptive Modification of DNA Nanostructures
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), January 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2017 |
Haichao Miao
Visual Abstraction and Modeling in DNA Nanotechnology,
14. December 2017, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Invited Talk |
Haichao Miao
Visualization and Modeling in DNA Nanotechnology,
April 2017, Inria, Grenoble, France
Invited Talk |
Haichao Miao
Visualization of Brain Arteries, the Placenta and DNA Nanostructures in the Context of Abstraction,
2017, State Key Lab - Zhejiang University
Invited Talk |
Haichao Miao, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Alexey Karimov, Amir Alansary, Alice Davidson, David F.A. Lloyd, Mellisa Damodaram, Lisa Story, Jana Hutter, Joseph V. Hajnal, Mary Rutherford, Bernhard Preim, Bernhard Kainz, Eduard Gröller
Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(6):1612-1623, 2017. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2016 |
Haichao Miao, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Christian Nasel, Eduard Gröller
Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis: An Automated Identification and Standardized Representation
Computer Graphics Forum, 2016. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2015 |
Haichao Miao, Gabriel Mistelbauer, Christian Nasel, Eduard Gröller
CoWRadar: Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis in Stroke Patients
In EG Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 1-10. September 2015.
[ demo] [ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Haichao Miao
Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis in Stroke Patients
[ poster] [ Thesis] |
Master Thesis |
undated |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Nicolas Grossmann, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Laura R. Luidolt , Peter Mindek, Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Manuela Waldner , Eduard Gröller
Visualization working group at TU Wien: Visible Facimus Quod Ceteri Non Possunt
Visual Informatics, 5:76-84, . [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |