Image |
Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2019 |
Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael Wimmer , Wolfgang Neubauer
Virtual Archaeoastronomy: Stellarium for Research and Outreach
In Archaeoastronomy in the Roman World (Proceedings 16th Conference of the Italian Society for Archaeoastronomy), pages 187-205. March 2019.
Conference Paper |
2017 |
Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael Wimmer
Beyond 3D Models: Simulation of Temporally Evolving Models in Stellarium
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry, 18(4):501-506, September 2017. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Georg Zotti, Florian Schaukowitsch, Michael Wimmer
The Skyscape Planetarium
Culture and Cosmos, 21(1):269-281, 2017. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2007 |
Georg Zotti
Measuring Light Pollution with a Calibrated High Dynamic Range All-Sky Image Acquisition System
In DARKSKY2007 - 7th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky. October 2007.
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti
Tangible Heritage: Production of Astrolabes on a Laser Engraver
In EG2007 Cultural Heritage Papers, pages 41-48 (colorplate:p60). September 2007.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti, Alexander Wilkie , Werner Purgathofer
A Critical Review of the Preetham Skylight Model
In WSCG , pages 23-30. January 2007.
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti
Computer Graphics in Historical and Modern Sky Observations
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie
Duration: January 2005 — November 2007
[ pdf] |
PhD-Thesis |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, László Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
Accurate Display Gamma Functions based on Human Observation
Color Research & Applications, 32(4):310-319, 2007. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Paul Beck, Georg Zotti
Licht aus der Finsternis,
2007, Stift Melk
Invited Talk |
2006 |
Georg Zotti, Alexander Wilkie , Werner Purgathofer
Using Virtual Reconstructions in a Planetarium for Demonstrations in Archaeo-Astronomy
In Third Central European Multimedia and Virtual Reality Conference (Proc. CEMVRC2006), pages 43-51. November 2006.
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti
A Sky Dome Visualisation for Identification of Astronomical Orientations
Information Visualization, 2006(5):152-166, 2006. [ Steinabrunn Stone Age Sky] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Georg Zotti
Zur astronomischen Orientierung der Kreisgrabenanlagen Niederoesterreichs,
9. November 2006-11. November 2006, Berlin, Museum fuer Ur- und Fruehgeschichte (Museum for Pre- and Early History)
Invited Talk |
2005 |
Georg Zotti
Kalender der Steinzeit
Archäologie in Deutschland, 2005(6):27-27, November 2005. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Georg Zotti, Eduard Gröller
A Sky Dome Visualisation for Identification of Astronomical Orientations
In Proceedings IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization, pages 9-16. October 2005.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Vlastimil Havran, Attila Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer , Hans-Peter Seidel
On Cross-Validation and Resampling of BRDF Data Measurements
In Proceedings SCCG 2005, pages 161-168. May 2005.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti
Kalenderbauten? -- Zur astronomischen Ausrichtung der Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich
In Zeitreise Heldenberg: Geheimnisvolle Kreisgräben --- Niederösterreichische Landesausstellung 2005, pages 75-79, May 2005
Article in a Book |
Karolin Kastowski, Klaus Löcker, Wolfgang Neubauer, Georg Zotti
Drehscheibe des Sternenhimmels? Die Kreisgrabenanlage Immendorf
In Zeitreise Heldenberg: Geheimnisvolle Kreisgräben --- Niederösterreichische Landesausstellung 2005, pages 80-82, May 2005
Article in a Book |
Georg Zotti, Attila Neumann, Werner Purgathofer
Approximating Real-World Luminaires with OpenGL Lights
In WSCG 2005 Short Paper Proceedings, pages 49-52. February 2005.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti
Die Untersuchung keltisch-römischer Umgangstempel auf astronomische Orientierung
In Der norisch-römische Kultplatz am Frauenberg, pages 158-168, 2005
Article in a Book |
Georg Zotti
Der Himmel der Urzeit -- Zur astronomischen Interpretation der Himmelsscheibe im Kontext frühmitteleuropäischer Kulturen,
2005, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
Invited Talk |
Georg Zotti
Zur astronomischen Interpretation ausgezeichneter Richtungen der Neolithischen Kreisgrabenanlagen Niederösterreichs,
2005, Gasthof Gaupmann, Ebenwaldhöhe, Kleinzell / NÖ
Invited Talk |
2004 |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, László Neumann, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
Human Observation Based Generalized Gamma Functions
TR-186-2-04-13, December 2004 [ ] |
Technical Report |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Christiane Ulbricht, Georg Zotti, Werner Purgathofer
An Analytical Model for Skylight Polarisation
In Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, pages 387-399. June 2004.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
Georg Zotti, Michael Gervautz, Heimo Kramer, Wolfgang Neubauer
Stone-Age Monumental Circular Ditch Systems
Poster shown at Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2004
(22. April 2004-24. April 2004)
Poster |
Attila Neumann, Alessandro Artusi, Georg Zotti, László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer
Interactive Perception Based Model for Characterization of Display device
In Color Imaging IX: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications IX. January 2004.
[ Interactive Perception Based Display Characterization] |
Conference Paper |
Jan Meseth, Gero Müller, Mirko Sattler, Ralf Sarlette, Alessandro Artusi, Alexander Wilkie , Georg Zotti, Klein Reinhard, Werner Purgathofer
High Quality Rendering of Reflectance Data
Tutorial auf CGI 2004
Miscellaneous Publication |
Georg Zotti
Steinzeitliche Kreisgrabenanlagen in Niederösterreich,
2004, Wien, Austria
Invited Talk |
2003 |
Georg Zotti, Christoph Traxler
A Multi-Purpose Virtual Reality Model of the Solar System (VRMoSS)
TR-186-2-03-01, February 2003 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Georg Zotti, Christoph Traxler
The ASH Virtual Reality Model of the Solar System (VRMoSS)
In Proc. of the Third IASTED Int. Conf. on Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, pages 964-969. 2003.
Conference Paper |
2002 |
Georg Zotti, Attila Neumann, Alexander Wilkie
X-Mas 2002
X-Mas Card |
2001 |
Georg Zotti
A Multi-Purpose Virtual Reality Model of the Solar System (VRMoSS)
Master Thesis |