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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2003 |
Armin Kanitsar, Dominik Fleischmann, Thomas Theußl, Lukas Mroz, Miloš Šrámek, Eduard Gröller
Demonstration of different segmentation and visualization techniques by means of a complex real world object exemplified by a Christmas tree
In European Congress of Radiology. 2003.
[ PDF] |
Conference Paper |
2002 |
Armin Kanitsar, Thomas Theußl, Lukas Mroz, Miloš Šrámek, Anna Vilanova i Bartroli, Balázs Csébfalvi, Jiří Hladůvka , Stefan Guthe, Michael Knapp, Rainer Wegenkittl, Petr Felkel, Dominik Fleischmann, Werner Purgathofer , Eduard Gröller
Christmas Tree Case Study: Computed Tomography as a Tool for Mastering Complex Real World Objects with Applications in Computer Graphics
TR-186-2-02-07, March 2002 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
2001 |
Balázs Csébfalvi, Lukas Mroz, Helwig Hauser , Andreas König, Eduard Gröller
Fast Visualization of Object Contours by Non-Photorealistic Volume Rendering
TR-186-2-01-09, April 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz
Real-Time Volume Visualization on Low-End Hardware
Supervisor: Eduard Gröller
Duration: July 1997 — May 2001
[ pdf] |
PhD-Thesis |
Eduard Gröller , Helwig Hauser , Lukas Mroz, Andreas König, Balázs Csébfalvi
Fast Visualization of Object Contours by Non-Photorealistic Volume Rendering
Proceedings of Eurographics 2001, 4-7 September 2001, Manchester, United Kingdom
Miscellaneous Publication |
2000 |
Lukas Mroz, Rainer Wegenkittl, Eduard Gröller
Mastering Interactive Surface Rendering for Java-Based
Diagnostic Applications
TR-186-2-00-10, April 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Hauser , Lukas Mroz, Gian-Italo Bischi, Eduard Gröller
Two-level volume rendering - fusing MIP and DVR
TR-186-2-00-11, April 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Helwig Hauser , Lukas Mroz, Gian-Italo Bischi
Two-level volume rendereing - fusing MIP and DVR
IEEE Visualization 2000 Proceedings, 2000, pp. 211-218. Revised version will be published in IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visualization
Miscellaneous Publication |
Eduard Gröller , Lukas Mroz, Andreas König
Real-Time Maximum Intensity Projection
In E. Gröller, H. Löffelmann, B. Ribarsky (eds.), Data Visualization'99, Springer Wien, pp. 135-144. Revised version "Maximum Intensity Projection at Warp Speed" in the Journal Computers & Graphics, 24(3), June 2000, pp. 343-352
Miscellaneous Publication |
Rainer Wegenkittl, Eduard Gröller , Lukas Mroz
Mastering Interactive Surface Rendering for Java-Based Diagnostic Applications
IEEE Visualization 2000 Proceedings, 2000, pp. 437-440
Miscellaneous Publication |
Eduard Gröller , Helwig Hauser , Lukas Mroz
Interactive High-Quality Maximum Intensity Projection
Computer Graphics Forum 19(3), 2000, pp. C-341 - C-350
Miscellaneous Publication |
1999 |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Hauser , Eduard Gröller
Interactive High-Quality Maximum Intensity Projection
TR-186-2-99-25, December 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Andreas König, Eduard Gröller
Maximum Intensity Projection at Warp Speed
TR-186-2-99-24, December 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Advanced High-Quality Maximum Intensity Projection for Volume Visualization
TR-186-2-99-10, April 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Andreas König, Eduard Gröller
Real-Time Maximum Intensity Projection
TR-186-2-99-09, April 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz
Real Time Maximum Intensity Projection.
Data Visualization'99 - proceedings of the joint Eurographics IEEE TCCG symposium on visualization
Miscellaneous Publication |
Eduard Gröller , Lukas Mroz, Andreas König
Real-Time Maximum Intensity Projection.
E.Gröller, H. Löffelmann, B. Ribarsky (eds.), <br>Data Visualization'99, Springer Wien, pp.135-144. Revised version "Maximum Intensity Projection at Warp Speed" to be published in the Journal Computers & Graphics, June 2000.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1998 |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Selected Trends in Scientific Visualization
TR-186-2-98-15, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Bringing Your Visualization Application to the Internet
TR-186-2-98-14, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann
Selected Trends in Scientific Visualization
Invited Paper in Proceedings of Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 1998 (SCCG'98), Budmerice, Slovakia, April 23.-25., 1998, pp. 17-26.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Eduard Gröller , Lukas Mroz, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig Löffelmann , Georg Fischel
Case study: Visualizing Various Properties of Dynamical Systems
In 6th International Workshop on Digital Image Processing and Computer Graphics (DIP-97): Applications in Humanities and Natural Sciences, Emanuel Wenger, Leonid I. Dimitrov, Editors, Proceedings of SPIE vol 3346, pp. 146-154, (1998).
Miscellaneous Publication |
1997 |
Georg Fischel, Helmut Doleisch, Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Case study: Visualizing Various Properties of
Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-97-16, September 1997 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Löffelmann , Lukas Mroz, Eduard Gröller
Hierarchical Streamarrows for the Visualization of
Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-97-02, January 1997 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
1996 |
Helwig Löffelmann , Lukas Mroz, Eduard Gröller , Werner Purgathofer
Streamarrows: Visualizing Multiple Layers of
TR-186-2-96-12, April 1996 [ paper] |
Technical Report |