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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2001 |
Alessandro Artusi, Christian Faisstnauer, Alexander Wilkie
New Time-Dependent Tone mapping Algorithm
TR-186-2-01-21, November 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
J.-D. Gascuel, Werner Purgathofer , Christian Faisstnauer, Michael Gervautz
Construction of an Open Geometry Server for Client Server Virtual Environments
Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2001 conference, pp. 105-112, Yokohama, Japan, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Scheduling for Virtual Environments and Games Using Visibilities and Priorities
SCS Transactions, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 73-82, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Christian Faisstnauer
Priority Scheduling for Networked Virtual Environments
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — June 2001
PhD-Thesis |
2000 |
Christian Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments and Networked Games Using Visibility and
TR-186-2-00-09, April 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Priority Round-Robin Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments
Proceedings of IEEE VR'2000, pp. 135-142, NEw Brunswick, NJ, 2000 (honorable mention in best paper award selection)
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Priority Scheduling for Networked Virtual Environments
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, VOl. 20(6), pp. 66-75, November 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Scheduling for very large Virtual Environments and Networked Games using Visibility and Priorities
In Proceedings of the DIS-RT 2000 conference, pp. 31-38, San Francisco, CA, 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
1999 |
Christian Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
Priority Round-Robin Scheduling for Very Large Virtual
TR-186-2-99-18, August 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
A. Aubel, M. Escher, F. Labrosse, J. Nebel, J. Gascuel, Gerd Hesina, Christian Faisstnauer, Francois Faure
Collaborative Animation over the Network.
IEEE Proceedings of Computer Animation 1999 (CA'99), 26-28 May, Geneva, Switzerland, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1998 |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer, Zsolt Szalavári
Computer Assisted Selection of 3D Interaction and Navigation Metaphors
Proceedings of Workshop on Computer Graphics, pp. ?-?, Taiwan, November 4-5, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer, Zsolt Szalavári
Device-Independent Navigation and Interaction in Virtual Environments
Proceedings of the 1998 VRST Adjunct Workshop on Computer Graphics, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 5-6, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1997 |
Christian Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Zsolt Szalavári
Device-Independent Navigation and Interaction in Virtual
TR-186-2-97-15, August 1997 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
1995 |
Christian Faisstnauer, Tomasz Mazuryk
Tracker Library: Handling VR Input Devices
TR-186-2-95-18, December 1995 |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer, Tomasz Mazuryk
Constructing a Highly Immersive Virtual Environment: A
Case Study
TR-186-2-95-12, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |