Some Details
The final implementation includes now
attenuating density fields
emitting density fields
glowing density fields and the scattering effects of lit
haze and
The paricles of the density field have all a special transparency, which can be
traced in a wide variety of density distributions. The whole transparency of the
cloud is then mapped on a color table giving different colors for different
opacities. Results are here.
In this case every particle emitts light of a certain colour, depending of the
differential density there. The accumulated color gives the color of the
glow or halo. Results are here.
This more physically based modell assumes the same light emission of every
particle as an emitting object, but the light of each particle is attenuated
by the particles lieing in front of it towards the eye. This gives nice color
X-Ray effects. Results are here.
To modell the effect of a lit hazy atmosphere, one has to consider a lot of
things, like different types of phase functions for the scattering of light.
Then You've to decide to modell multiple scattering effects or not, what happens
with colored lights, and so on. The dust modell implements a Mie-haze
phase function, giving much light scattered in the forward lobe. Results are
To give more freedom on creating fog effects, I implemented the Henyey-Greenstein
phase function approximation with a controllable parameter, to select different
intensity distributions around the particles. Results are
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Last update May 2th, 1996
Created by Zsolt Szalavári