

  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Student Project
  • Master Thesis

Recent path-guiding techniques (image; right) can provide significant improvements (in the form of greatly reduced noise) over standard path tracing (image; left).
In this project, we will address fundamental questions that have remained unanswered so far in order to advance the state of the art in path guiding.
You will join a highly motivated research team collaborating with Wenzel Jakob, a world-class leading researcher in realistic graphics, and contribute to the development of new state-of-the-art path-guiding techniques (using technologies such as Git, CMake, C++, Mitsuba, pbrt).
If you are interested in contributing to research in this context, please contact Hiroyuki Sakai.


  • Motivation to contribute to research
  • Experience with C++ (preferably C++17 or higher)
  • Willingness to deal with theory and mathematics


For more information please contact Hiroyuki Sakai.