- Dieter Fellner (Universität Braunschweig, Deutschland)
- Monte Carlo Volume Rendering (Guest Talk)Balazs Csebfalvi (Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary)
- Color Appearance and Design in Interiors using MultispectralGlobillummodels (Gastvortrag) (Guest Talk)László Neumann (Universitat de Girona, Spain)
- Combinatorial Maps and other Topological Structures for Geometric Modeling (Gastvortrag) (Guest Talk)Pascal Lienhardt (Universität Poitiers)
- Dirk Bartz (Universität Tübingen, Germany)
- Alessandro Rizzi (Università di Milano, Italy), Alessandro Artusi (ICGA), Caro Gatta (Università di Milano, Italy)
- Alessandro Rizzi (Università di Milano, Italy), Alessandro Artusi (ICGA), Caro Gatta (Università di Milano, Italy)
- Alessandro Rizzi (Università di Milano, Italy), Alessandro Artusi (ICGA), Caro Gatta (Università di Milano, Italy)
- Jürgen P. Schulze-Döbold (Rechenzentrum Universität Stuttgart, Germany)
- Stefan Guthe (University Tübingen, Germany)
- Coping with Cubes (Guest Talk)Hamish Carr (University of British Columbia, Canada)
- Volume Graphics Challenges (Guest Talk)Torsten Möller (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
- Physically-based animation in medicine (Guest Talk)François Faure (University Grenoble, France)
- Methods for Interactive Surgery Simulation (Guest Talk)Matthias Teschner (ETH Zürich, Schweiz)
- Computer Simulation of the Human Lower Extremity by General Multibody Methods and its Medical Applications (Guest Talk)Andres Kecskemethy (Universität Duisburg, Germany)
- Oliver Bimber (Bauhaus University, Weimar)
- Martin Wagner (Lehrstuhl für angewandte Softwaretechnik, Institut für Informatik, TU München, Germany)
- Biomedical Image Analysis (Guest Talk)Anna Vilanova Bartroli (TU Eindhoven, Holland)
- Jiri Bittner (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Optical Tracking: From User Motion To 3D Interaction (Guest Talk)Klaus Dorfmueller-Ulhaas (Germany)
- Image Processing in Java (Guest Talk)Martin Martinov ("St. Kliment Ohridski" University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
- Ronan Boulic (EPFL Lausanne)
- Raphael Grasset (iMAGIS/GRAVIR, Grenoble, France)
- Volume Sculpting using the Level-Set Method (Guest Talk)J. Andreas Baerentzen (Denmark)
- Virtual Reality Research at FHS Hagenberg (Guest Talk)Michael Haller (FHS Hagenberg, Austria)