Source: edgeRouting.js

 * Handles the edge routing between nodes and supernodes
 * @module EdgeRouting

var lines = [];
var edgeZPositionMin = -2;
var edgeZPositionRange = 1;
var edgeLengthNodeOut = 0.03;
var edgeDistanceMin = 0.01;
var edgeDistance = 0.01;
var edgeAngleDistance = Math.PI / 540;
var circleAngleStep = Math.PI / 72;

 * adds the required lines for all edges of the currently selected supernodes to the lines array
 * @param {supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix} supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix describing the edges
function computeDetailLODLinesRenderingObject(supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix) {
    // create two vectors to keep track of the positions defining the next line
    let prevVec = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0);
    let vec = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0);
    // inter supernode edges
    computeOutsideLinesForRendering(supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix, vec, prevVec);
    // intra supernode edges
    computeInsideLinesForRendering(supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix, vec, prevVec);

 * adds the required lines for all external (connecting) edges of the currently selected supernodes to the lines array
 * @param {supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix} supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix describing the edges
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec used for intermediate calculations
function computeOutsideLinesForRendering(supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix, vec, prevVec) {
    let startRadiusOut = [];
    supernodes.forEach(() => startRadiusOut.push(supernodeRadius + supernodeSizePercentage * supernodeRadius / 2 + edgeLengthNodeOut));
    for (let i = 0; i < supernodes.length; i++) {
        for (let j = i + 1; j < supernodes.length; j++) {
            renderedEdges = supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix[i][j];
            // edges between different supernodes
            let vec1To2 = new THREE.Vector2(supernodes[j].position.x - supernodes[i].position.x, supernodes[j].position.y - supernodes[i].position.y);
            let supernode1ExitAngle = atan3(vec1To2.y, vec1To2.x);
            let supernode2ExitAngle = atan3(-vec1To2.y, -vec1To2.x);
            let radius = Math.max(startRadiusOut[i], startRadiusOut[j]);
            let exitAngleOffsets = [0, edgeAngleDistance];
            // sort edges based on weight then on angular distance to the exit point (closer edges get routed first)
            sortEdgesForOutsideLayouting(renderedEdges, supernode1ExitAngle);
            for (let k = 0; k < renderedEdges.length; k++) {
                let renderedEdge = renderedEdges[k];
                renderedEdge.linesStartIndex = lines.length;
                // circle edge for first supernode
                let angle1 = computeNodeExitAngle(computeNodeAngle(renderedEdge.node1.supernodeIndex, renderedEdge.node1.nodeIndex), renderedEdge.node1.nodeId, "outside");
                let supernode1Position = supernodes[renderedEdge.node1.supernodeIndex].position;
                let routingDirection = addCircularDrawLines(supernode1Position, angle1, supernode1ExitAngle, radius, exitAngleOffsets, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
                let supernode1ExitAngleOffsets = routingDirection * exitAngleOffsets[getDirectionIndex(routingDirection)];
                let supernode1ExitPosition = { x: vec.x, y: vec.y };
                // outgoing edge for first node
                addNodeOutDrawLine(supernode1Position, angle1, radius, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
                exitAngleOffsets[getDirectionIndex(routingDirection)] += edgeAngleDistance;
                // circle edge for second supernode using exit angles which match the ones from the first supernode to get straight line connections between the supernodes
                let angle2 = computeNodeExitAngle(computeNodeAngle(renderedEdge.node2.supernodeIndex, renderedEdge.node2.nodeIndex), renderedEdge.node2.nodeId, "outside");
                let supernode2Position = supernodes[renderedEdge.node2.supernodeIndex].position;
                let exitAngle = (supernode2ExitAngle + supernode1ExitAngleOffsets) % (2 * Math.PI);
                addCircularDrawLines(supernode2Position, angle2, exitAngle, radius, [0, 0], prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
                let supernode2ExitPosition = { x: vec.x, y: vec.y };
                // outgoing edge for second node
                addNodeOutDrawLine(supernode2Position, angle2, radius, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
                // edge connecting the two supernodes
                addSupernodeConnectionDrawLine(supernode1ExitPosition, supernode2ExitPosition, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
                renderedEdge.linesEndIndex = lines.length;

                radius += edgeDistance;
            startRadiusOut[i] = radius;
            startRadiusOut[j] = radius;

 * adds the required lines for all internal edges of the currently selected supernodes to the lines array
 * @param {supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix} supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix describing the edges
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec used for intermediate calculations
function computeInsideLinesForRendering(supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix, vec, prevVec) {
    // internal edges of one supernode
    for (let i = 0; i < supernodes.length; i++) {
        renderedEdges = supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix[i][i];
        let radius = supernodeRadius - supernodeSizePercentage * supernodeRadius / 2 - edgeLengthNodeOut;
        for (let k = 0; k < renderedEdges.length; k++) {
            let renderedEdge = renderedEdges[k];
            renderedEdge.linesStartIndex = lines.length;
            let angle1 = computeNodeExitAngle(computeNodeAngle(renderedEdge.node1.supernodeIndex, renderedEdge.node1.nodeIndex), renderedEdge.node1.nodeId, "inside");
            let angle2 = computeNodeExitAngle(computeNodeAngle(renderedEdge.node2.supernodeIndex, renderedEdge.node2.nodeIndex), renderedEdge.node2.nodeId, "inside");
            let supernode1Position = supernodes[renderedEdge.node1.supernodeIndex].position;
            addCircularDrawLines(supernode1Position, angle1, angle2, radius, [0, 0], prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
            addNodeOutDrawLine(supernode1Position, angle1, radius, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
            addNodeOutDrawLine(supernode1Position, angle2, radius, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge);
            renderedEdge.linesEndIndex = lines.length;
            radius -= edgeDistance;

 * adds the circular part of one supernode of an edge to the lines array
 * @param {vec3} supernodePosition center of the circle
 * @param {float} startAngle where the circle will begin in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} stopAngle where the circle will stop in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} radius of the circle
 * @param {float} stopAngleOffsets an offset to the stop angle for each of the two directions in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {renderedEdge} renderedEdge to which the cirlce lines belong
 * @returns {int} 0 or 1, determining the direction in which the cirlce was drawn
function addCircularDrawLines(supernodePosition, startAngle, stopAngle, radius, stopAngleOffsets, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge) {
    let routingDirection = getCircleLayoutDirection(startAngle, stopAngle);
    if (stopAngle < startAngle && routingDirection == 1)
        stopAngle += 2 * Math.PI;
    else if (stopAngle > startAngle && routingDirection == -1)
        stopAngle -= 2 * Math.PI;
    let curAngle = startAngle;
    let routing = true;
    let stopAngleOffset = stopAngleOffsets[getDirectionIndex(routingDirection)];
    setVecToDirectionWithOffset(vec, supernodePosition, radius, curAngle);
    // draw cirlce segments
    while (routing) {
        prevVec.set(vec.x, vec.y);
        curAngle = curAngle + routingDirection * circleAngleStep;
        if ((routingDirection == 1 && curAngle > (stopAngle - stopAngleOffset)) || (routingDirection == -1 && curAngle < (stopAngle + stopAngleOffset))) {
            curAngle = stopAngle - routingDirection * stopAngleOffset;
            routing = false;
        setVecToDirectionWithOffset(vec, supernodePosition, radius, curAngle);
        addDrawLine(prevVec, vec, renderedEdge, computeEdgeZPriority(renderedEdge.edge.weight, supernodesEdgeWeightMax));
    return routingDirection;

 * adds the one line of the edge which connects the two supernodes to the lines array
 * @param {vec2} supernode1ExitPosition from where the line should stat
 * @param {vec2} supernode2ExitPosition where the line should end
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {renderedEdge} renderedEdge to which the line belongs
function addSupernodeConnectionDrawLine(supernode1ExitPosition, supernode2ExitPosition, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge) {
    prevVec.set(supernode1ExitPosition.x, supernode1ExitPosition.y);
    vec.set(supernode2ExitPosition.x, supernode2ExitPosition.y);
    addDrawLine(prevVec, vec, renderedEdge, computeEdgeZPriority(renderedEdge.edge.weight, supernodesEdgeWeightMax));

 * adds the one line going out from the supernode and connects with the circle lines to the lines array
 * @param {vec3} supernodePosition of the supernode
 * @param {float} angle at which the node from which the drawn line exits is located within the supernode in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} radius to which the line extends
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec used for intermediate calculations
 * @param {renderedEdge} renderedEdge to which the drawn line belongs
function addNodeOutDrawLine(supernodePosition, angle, radius, prevVec, vec, renderedEdge) {
    setVecToDirectionWithOffset(prevVec, supernodePosition, supernodeRadius, angle);
    setVecToDirectionWithOffset(vec, supernodePosition, radius, angle);
    addDrawLine(prevVec, vec, renderedEdge, computeEdgeZPriority(renderedEdge.edge.weight, supernodesEdgeWeightMax));

 * adds a line defined by prevVec and vec to the lines array
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} prevVec defining the start position of the edge
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec defining the end position of the edge
 * @param {renderedEdge} renderedEdge to which the drawn line belongs
 * @param {float} zPriority of the edge [0-1], higher number is drawn on top
function addDrawLine(prevVec, vec, renderedEdge, zPriority) {
    let zPos = computeEdgeZPosition(zPriority);
    lines.push({ position1: { x: prevVec.x, y: prevVec.y, z: zPos }, position2: { x: vec.x, y: vec.y, z: zPos }, renderedEdge: renderedEdge, weight: renderedEdge.edge.weight });

 * computes the z coordinate of an edge for rendering
 * @param {float} priority [0-1], where higher number is drawn on top
 * @returns {float} the edge z position
function computeEdgeZPosition(priority) {
    return edgeZPositionMin + priority * edgeZPositionRange;

 * sets the passed vector to the position defined by an offset o, a direction d and radius r (o + d * r)
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} vec whose value is modified by this function
 * @param {THREE.Vector2} offset origin from which to go into the direction
 * @param {float} radius how far to step in the direction
 * @param {float} direction in form of an angle in the range [0-2*PI]
function setVecToDirectionWithOffset(vec, offset, radius, direction) {
    vec.set(offset.x + Math.cos(direction) * radius, offset.y + Math.sin(direction) * radius);

 * sorts the renderedEdges of one supernode based on their weight and then their angular distance to the supernode exit angle
 * @param {renderedEdge[]} renderedEdges an array of edges of one supernode to another one
 * @param {float} supernodeExitAngle angle at which the edges exit the node in the range [0-2*PI]
function sortEdgesForOutsideLayouting(renderedEdges, supernodeExitAngle) {
    renderedEdges.sort((a, b) => {
        if (b.edge.weight == a.edge.weight) {
            bDifference = getAngleDifference(computeNodeAngle(b.node1.supernodeIndex, b.node1.nodeIndex), supernodeExitAngle);
            aDifference = getAngleDifference(computeNodeAngle(a.node1.supernodeIndex, a.node1.nodeIndex), supernodeExitAngle);
            if (aDifference < Math.PI && bDifference < Math.PI)
                return aDifference - bDifference;
                return bDifference - aDifference;
            return b.edge.weight - a.edge.weight;

 * sorts the renderedEdges of one supernode based on their weight and then their angular distance between the two nodes of the edge
 * @param {renderedEdge[]} renderedEdges an array of internal edges of one supernodeode
function sortEdgesForInsideLayouting(renderedEdges) {
    renderedEdges.sort((a, b) => {
        if (b.edge.weight == a.edge.weight) {
            bDifference = getSmallerConnectingAngleInCircle(computeNodeAngle(b.node1.supernodeIndex, b.node1.nodeIndex), computeNodeAngle(b.node2.supernodeIndex, b.node2.nodeIndex));
            aDifference = getSmallerConnectingAngleInCircle(computeNodeAngle(a.node1.supernodeIndex, a.node1.nodeIndex), computeNodeAngle(a.node2.supernodeIndex, a.node2.nodeIndex));
            return aDifference - bDifference;
            return b.edge.weight - a.edge.weight;

 * maps the routing direction for circular lines to the dedicaded array index
 * @param {int} routingDirection either -1 or 1
 * @returns {int} 0 or 1
function getDirectionIndex(routingDirection) {
    return routingDirection == 1 ? 0 : 1;

 * computes the exit angle for the next edge of the specified node
 * the exit angle is updated automatically within this function for the next call
 * @param {float} nodeAngle at which the node is placed within the supernode in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {int} nodeId id of the node
 * @param {int} directionAttribute either 0 or 1 defining intra or inter supernode edges
 * @returns the exit angle of the node edge
function computeNodeExitAngle(nodeAngle, nodeId, directionAttribute) {
    let nodeEdges = nodesNumberEdges[nodeId.toString()];
    let angle = nodeAngle + (nodeEdges[directionAttribute].count - nodeEdges[directionAttribute].total / 2.0) * edgeAngleDistance;
    angle = angle % (2 * Math.PI);
    return angle;

 * returns the direciton which connects the two angles with the shorter path
 * @param {float} startAngle of the circle in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} stopAngle of the circle in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @returns {int} -1: clockwise, 1: counterclockwise
function getCircleLayoutDirection(startAngle, stopAngle) {
    let angleDifference = getAngleDifference(startAngle, stopAngle);
    if (angleDifference > Math.PI)
        return -1;
        return 1;

 * calculates the positive difference between two angles in the range [0,2*PI]
 * @param {float} angle1 [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} angle2 [0-2*PI]
 * @returns {float} difference between the angles
function getAngleDifference(angle1, angle2) {
    let angleDifference = angle2 - angle1;
    if (angleDifference < 0)
        angleDifference += 2 * Math.PI;
    return angleDifference;

 * calculates the shortes angle distance connecting two angles in the range [0,PI]
 * @param {float} angle1 [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} angle2 [0-2*PI]
 * @returns the connection angle
function getSmallerConnectingAngleInCircle(angle1, angle2) {
    let angleDifference = getAngleDifference(angle1, angle2);
    return angleDifference < Math.PI ? angleDifference : 2 * Math.PI - angleDifference;

 * computes the angle at which a node is positioned within a supernode
 * @param {*} supernodeIndex withing the selected supernodes
 * @param {*} nodeIndex withing the supernode
 * @returns {float} the node angle in the range [0-2*PI]
function computeNodeAngle(supernodeIndex, nodeIndex) {
    return 2 * Math.PI / supernodes[supernodeIndex].nodeIds.length * (nodeIndex + 0.5);

 * computes the atan function in the range [0-2*PI]
 * @param {float} b
 * @param {*} a
 * @returns {float} the calculated function value
var atan3 = function (b, a) {
    var angle = Math.atan2(b, a);
    return angle < 0 ? angle + 2 * Math.PI : angle;

 * calculates the supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix from the renderedEdgeMatrix which covers additional information for the edges
 * @param {supernodeEdgeMatrix} supernodeEdgeMatrix used for the calculations
 * @param {float} minEdgeWeight of all edges within the supernodeEdgeMatrix
 * @param {float} maxEdgeWeight of all edges within the supernodeEdgeMatrix
 * @returns {supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix} the supernode rendered edge matrix
function computeSupernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix(supernodeEdgeMatrix, minEdgeWeight, maxEdgeWeight) {
    var supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < supernodes.length; i++) {
        supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix[i] = [];
        for (let j = i; j < supernodes.length; j++) {
            supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix[i][j] = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < supernodes.length; i++) {
        for (let j = i; j < supernodes.length; j++) {
            for (let k = 0; k < supernodeEdgeMatrix[i][j].length; k++) {
                let edge = supernodeEdgeMatrix[i][j][k];
                if (edge.weight >= minEdgeWeight && edge.weight <= maxEdgeWeight) {
                    let nodeIndex1 = -1;
                    let nodeIndex2 = -1;
                    let nodeId1 = edge.id1;
                    let nodeId2 = edge.id2;
                    // store the edge node which belongs to the supernode with the smaller index first for rendering
                    if (i == j) {
                        supernodes[i].nodeIds.some(function (nodeId, nodeIndex) {
                            if (nodeId == edge.id1) {
                                nodeIndex1 = nodeIndex;
                                return true;
                        supernodes[i].nodeIds.some(function (nodeId, nodeIndex) {
                            if (nodeId == edge.id2) {
                                nodeIndex2 = nodeIndex;
                                return true;
                    else {
                        supernodes[i].nodeIds.some(function (nodeId, nodeIndex) {
                            if (nodeId == edge.id1) {
                                nodeIndex1 = nodeIndex;
                                nodeId1 = edge.id1;
                                return true;
                            else if (nodeId == edge.id2) {
                                nodeIndex1 = nodeIndex;
                                nodeId1 = edge.id2;
                                return true;
                        supernodes[j].nodeIds.some(function (nodeId, nodeIndex) {
                            if (nodeId == edge.id1) {
                                nodeIndex2 = nodeIndex;
                                nodeId2 = edge.id1;
                                return true;
                            else if (nodeId == edge.id2) {
                                nodeIndex2 = nodeIndex;
                                nodeId2 = edge.id2;
                                return true;
                    let position1 = computeNodePosition(i, nodeIndex1);
                    let position2 = computeNodePosition(j, nodeIndex2);
                    position1.z = edgeZPositionMin;
                    position2.z = edgeZPositionMin;
                    var renderedEdge = {
                        edge: edge,
                        node1: { position: position1, supernodeIndex: i, nodeIndex: nodeIndex1, nodeId: nodeId1 },
                        node2: { position: position2, supernodeIndex: j, nodeIndex: nodeIndex2, nodeId: nodeId2 }
    return supernodeRenderedEdgeMatrix;