Maps each city to country. 0: Canada, 1: USA, 2: Israel.
One color per country.
The bounds of each attribute.
Represents the part between two axis (parallel coordinates, time series, meshes).
Index of an attribute.
Initializes three.js objects and draws the axis and their labels.
Called when the data is fully downloaded. Creates one Segment per axis and adds mousedown, mouseup and mousemover listeners.
Sets the time of the clicked segment according to the mouse y position.
Index of the segment in which the time should be
Starts a brushing operation and returns a function to update it with new mouse positions.
Creates a three.js line object which represents the change over time of the given attribute and city.
Updates the renderer's size.
Calls the render function of the three.js renderer.
Loads a file as float array and calls a callback function when done.
Creates a HTML paragraph element at the given position with the given text.
Draws an axis and labels for each attribute.