* This function calculates the autocorrelation based metric for communities. This metric measures the amount of visual
* overlap between the different communities by taking the community label of the central node into account. It is calculated
* for every node of the graph and all neighboring nodes inside a given square determined by the filerArea are taken into account
* for the calculation. When all the nodes, surrounding the currently chosen node, come from the same community, then the calculated
* metric value is 0, which indicates a perfect preservation of the community structure. However, when nodes, surrounding the currently
* chosen node, come from different communities, the closer the nodes are to the chosen one, the more community structure degrades.
* @param {Array} nodes contains all nodes of the graph
<p>var nodes = [ </p>
<p>id: "id1"</p>
<p>index: 0</p>
<p>module: 0</p>
<p>px: 453.8701275147519</p>
<p>py: 136.9204945170503</p>
<p>weight: 13</p>
<p>x: 453.8623762824847</p>
<p>y: 136.32544736132093;</p>
<p> ]</p>
<p>any type of string can be used as id</p>
* @param {number} N is the amount of nodes in the graph
* @param {number} filterArea is the size of the area around the node
* @returns {Array} array of objects which contains the calculated metric for every node
function Community_AutocorrelationBased(nodes, N, filterArea)
var region = filterArea;
var avgCommunityDist = 0;
var dataPoints = [];
var a = 0;
var minCom = Infinity;
for (var node in nodes) {
var nodesInsideRegion = [];
a = a+1;
for (var n in nodes) {
if ((nodes[n].x <= nodes[node].x + region) && (nodes[n].x >= nodes[node].x - region)
&& (nodes[n].y <= nodes[node].y + region) && (nodes[n].y >= nodes[node].y - region)) {
var communityDistribution = 0; //community distribution for one node inside a region
for (var i in nodesInsideRegion)
//calculate normalized distance between node "node" and node "n"
var xDist = Math.abs(nodes[node].x - nodesInsideRegion[i].x);
var yDist = Math.abs(nodes[node].y - nodesInsideRegion[i].y);
var normDist = Math.sqrt( xDist*xDist + yDist*yDist );
//check whether they belong to the same community
var sameCommunity = 1;
if(nodes[node].module === nodesInsideRegion[i].module)
//belong to the same community -> then set to 0
sameCommunity = 0;
communityDistribution = communityDistribution + (((1-normDist)*sameCommunity) / (1-normDist));
if(communityDistribution < minCom)
minCom = communityDistribution;
//store the calculated community distribution for displaying on the heat map
dataPoints[a] = {
x: nodes[node].x,
y: nodes[node].y,
comDistr: communityDistribution
avgCommunityDist = avgCommunityDist + communityDistribution;
nodesInsideRegion = []; //reset region for next iteration
avgCommunityDist = avgCommunityDist/N;
dataPoints[0] = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
comDistr: minCom//avgCommunityDist
return dataPoints;