Visualisierung 2
Comparison of Hue Preserving Rendering to Alpha Composing
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CAlphaCompositingShaderThis fragment shader performs front-to-back alpha compositing with early ray termination
 CHuePreservingShaderThis fragment shader performs front-to-back compositing with Hue-Preserving Color Blending as described by [Chuang et al. 2009]. Early ray termination is also applied. Input and output color space is RGB (transformations/blending performed in HSV)
 CPassThroughShaderSimple pass-through vertex shader to render quads
 CMainWindowHandliung GUI interactions
 CGLRenderWidgetImplementing additional OpenGL capabilities on a QWidget
 CGLRenderWidgetImplementing additional OpenGL capabilities on a QWidget
 CRenderDataHelper struct for passing renderable data in the application
 CVolumeModified volume loader class from Vis 1
 CVoxelHelper class for Voxels with basic operators