Source: StreamSurfaceVis.js

 * Object describing a seed line.
 * @class
 * @param {THREE.Vector3} start The starting point of the seed line.
 * @param {THREE.Vector3} end The end point of the seed line.
 * @param {float} interval The interval, in which the seed points should be sampled.
function SeedLine(start, end, interval) {
	/** The starting point of the seed line. */
	this.start = start;
	/** The end point of the seed line. */
	this.end = end;
	/** The interval, in which the seed points should be sampled. */
	this.interval = interval;

 * This function generates a volume, calls the calculation of a surface, sets up the 
 * renderer and initializes the GUI.
function run() {
	var vol = new Volume(100,100,100);

	var seedLine = new SeedLine(
		new THREE.Vector3(0.7,0.5,0.8), 
		new THREE.Vector3(0.7,0.5,0.2),

	var numIt = 100;

	var surface = new StreamSurface();
	surface.calculate(vol, seedLine, numIt);

	var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
	canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
	canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

	var ren = new Rendering(canvas);
	ren.init(surface, seedLine);
	initGUI(seedLine, vol, surface, ren, numIt);