1 /**
  2  * potree.js 
  3  * http://potree.org
  4  *
  5  * Copyright 2012, Markus Sch�tz
  6  * Licensed under the GPL Version 2 or later.
  7  * - http://potree.org/wp/?page_id=7
  8  * - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
  9  *
 10  */
 12 /**
 13  * 
 14  * @param distance
 15  * @param normal
 16  * @class
 17  */
 18 function Plane(distance, normal){
 19 	this.distance = distance;
 20 	this.normal = normal;
 21 }
 23 /**
 24  * calculate distance from plane to point.
 25  * distance is negative if the point is behind the plane.
 26  */
 27 Plane.prototype.distanceTo = function distanceTo(point){
 28 	var A = this.normal[0];
 29 	var B = this.normal[1];
 30 	var C = this.normal[2];
 32 	// distance to point assuming that the plane lies at the origin
 33 	var d = -(A*point[0] + B*point[1] + C*point[2]);
 35 	return this.distance - d;
 36 };